Adding Value through Active Ownership

Active Ownership

The Ramboll Foundation is an independent Danish enterprise foundation with philanthropic obligations.

People in a park environment

People and philanthrophy

Rambøll Fonden (herafter called Ramboll Foundation) was established in 1972 by the founders of Ramboll. Børge Johannes Rambøll and Johan Georg Hannemann and three other partners. It was their wish to ensure long-term existence of the company for the benefit of the Ramboll Group employees.

The Ramboll Foundation is the main owner of Ramboll Group A/S. The Foundation is the majority shareholder in the Ramboll Group and owns more than 96.9% of the shares. The remainder are owned by Ramboll employees.

Flemming Bligaard Pedersen, former Chairman of the Trustees gives his take of what it means being an active owner in this article.


The Foundation awards donations for:

  • Research and education, in particular within science and engineering
  • In addition the Foundation aims to help current and former employees and their families in difficult circumstances
  • The Foundation also supports charities and humanitarian aid.

"The ownership of Ramboll has an eternal perspective."

Flemming Bligaard Pedersen
Former Chairman of the Ramboll Foundation, Former CEO, Ramboll Group

We support


The Ramboll Foundation wishes to promote a sustainable and innovative development for the benefit of nature, society and people. We wish to contribute to a future based on the Foundation’s legacy, which describes our core values and ideals.

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  • The Ramboll Foundation donates DKK 500,000 to Doctors without Borders’ crisis response in Sudan

    For the past year, large parts of Sudan have been experiencing ongoing violence, including intense urban warfare, gunfire, shelling, and airstrikes. More than 10 million people have been displaced by the current conflict, including over 2 million people who have fled to neighbouring countries.

    Oct 1, 2024

    MSF is running a clinic in Zamzam camp, ~15km south east of El Fasher, the state capital, hosting more than 300,000 internally displaced people. MSF teams are offering Ambulatory Therapeutic Feeding services.

A rapid nutrition and mortality assessment carried out by MSF in Zamzam camp in January 2024 reveals that a deadly situation has unfolded over the past nine months

All emergency thresholds for malnutrition have been reached. Almost a quarter of children assessed in the camp were found to be suffering from acute malnutrition, with seven per cent having SAM (severe acute malnutrition) and being at immediate risk of death. , Among children aged six months to two years old, the figures were even more stark with nearly 40 per cent of this age group malnourished – 15 per cent with SAM.

The emergency threshold for SAM, which indicates that urgent action must be taken, is two percent – indicating that a serious emergency situation is present in Zamzam camp.
  • Ramboll Foundation co-hosts roundtable at New York Climate Week about sustainable capitalism

    Wednesday this week, the Ramboll Foundation, Ramboll, and UC Berkeley gathered leaders from global businesses founded in the Nordics and the U.S. to discuss how to best balance profitability with purpose and drive positive social, environmental, and economic growth.

    Sep 26, 2024